Wednesday, July 11, 2012

But First, A Wedding in Pittsburgh

Mars, PA to Marstrasse, De.

Ryan and Leanna wed with ease
and grace like they are
which made the sign stand out so.

Between planes and plans from there to here
was a sign for a town
named after the God of War.

Would you want that name for your home
and what is the prize
or pride for belligerence?

Should I take thought or care or just drive
and make the transfer
without the rush and delay?

But there was time to follow the thought
and take the turn to Mars
thinking it was about right.

How many times did we just drive on
and give it a thought
but kept on about the next.

Always next. Always Next. Always NEXT.
Screw the next damn thing.
I am getting off for Mars.

A right turn and then an easy yield
turned into downtown
without even a wormhole.

This simple Pennsylvania town
was less important
for being there as being a stop.

God knows if Mars could become Munich,
good people gone bad,
about the time of Adolf.

For the people of Munich are good
like anyplace else
and kind to the stranger, too.

Neither do they speak martian on Mars
nor Marienplatz,
just the language of the day.

Both are not life altering places
if you hope for it
but good lanes off the next road.

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